Former white ruler Smith says he is stripped of citizenship AP Archive 1:37 9 years ago 196 478 Далее Скачать
Why the Alt-Right LOVE Rhodesia and The RISE of The Rhodeboos - Dylan Roof and SIMPS for the FAL The Kavernacle 27:26 2 years ago 161 602 Далее Скачать
Was the Rhodesian Army the Most Effective in History? - The Abandoned Army The Front 22:10 1 year ago 1 437 008 Далее Скачать
Racist or Evil #racism #history #rhodesia #bushwar #zimbabwe #evil The Wondering Alchemist 0:50 2 years ago 68 441 Далее Скачать
Homesick To A Place That No Longer Exists ┃A Tribute To Rhodesia Giggs_ 3:15 2 years ago 210 391 Далее Скачать
What If The Zulu Won The Anglo-Zulu War? | Alternate History Monsieur Z 10:37 1 year ago 27 936 Далее Скачать